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Henan is unveiling the local standard for women’s pants

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-09-13 13:42:48  来源:CTEI 收藏

China’s yearly production of women’s pants hits thousands of miliions, around half of them are from Henan province. However, the feature of Henan’s products has difficulties to comply with the existing national standard. In recent days, a new local standard for women’s pants and knitting pants is unveiling soon. Drafted by Henan Textile Products quality Supervising Test Center and Zhengzhou Leading Show Fashion Co., Ltd, the new local standard subverts the measurement method of the national standard. The new standard is even down to such detail that the error band for knitting pants’ length could not exceed 1 cm, while for weaving pants, it is less than 0.5 cm.

It happens that the customers found the two legs of the pants were not at the same width, yet returning to the seller, they were told it was normal.

After researching the textile enterprises, Henan Textile Products quality Supervising Test Center found that such problems were quite common, yet there is no such regulation in the national and industrial standards to control it. At the moment, the pants produced by Henan have their own features and styles, most of them are fashion and tight design, but the national standard for women’s pants are not complied with the current characteristics of Henan’s products, which is fashionable, leisurely and personalized, so the manufacturers could only make the judgement through their own experience.

The draft of the new local standard stipulate that error band in transom, knee and bottom parts are all less than 0.3 cm. The draft will be in implement after approved by Henan Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau.

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