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CMiA hoping for greater retail links

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-09-15 15:47:01  来源:ecotextile 收藏
LONDON - The Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) has announced a new partnership aimed at enhancing the Cotton Made In Africa project’s links with UK retailers.

The Hamburg-based foundation will now be advised by Abi Rushton, Founder and Director of ethicalexpert limited, who will help open up new markets for the cotton offered by Cotton made in Africa. “This partnership is a huge opportunity for the initiative to break into the British market, which is known to be a leader in the field of sustainable consumerism”, said Stephan Engel, responsible for Sales at AbTF.

CmiA is active in five African countries and aims to develop cooperation by improving the living conditions of African smallholder farmers through trade. A global demand alliance purchases their sustainably produced cotton at market prices.

“At ethicalexpert we’re very excited about the partnership with Cotton made in Africa as the initiative also aims at securing profitable supply chains for brands and workers,” said Rushton, adding how she was impressed with the reach and impact of CmiA’s work on the ground in Africa and its potential commercial impact for brands.

The initiative’s approach of making sustainable materials available at market prices, Rushton argued, could provide a solution for UK retail to help the ethical fashion niche go mainstream and give retailers a profitable means to drive the change.

“We believe our work with clients to develop profitable sustainability strategies compliments CmiA’s work. Together we can provide sound commercial opportunities for brands and workers.”

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文章关键词: CmiA  Africa  cotton 


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