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luxury brand Zegna celebrate their success in China market

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-09-20 15:30:46  来源:CTEI.gov.cn 收藏
Selling luxury goods in the China market is a difficult job, but Ermenegildo Zegna has successfully entered the China market for 20 years. Now that China has become the world's biggest market for luxury goods, each brand hopes to obtain their share in China, but the opinion of the Commissioner, Zegna is that Zegna brand will keep their leadership of the Chinese luxury market.
Zegna brand 20 anniversary, on Thursday, brand Director talked about the Zegna's challenges and opportunities in the China market, Whose optimism is justified in, as Chinese market 5 big top luxury brand, Zegna’s sales in Chinese market have overtaken United States market sales last year.
Zegna brand Director, Gildo said: "we have only a men's clothing brand, to achieve this performance has been very good, I think that our success comes from our pioneering spirit.”
Zegna entered Chinese market in 1991, currently 32 cities in China with 75 stores in total are expected grows to 80 stores at the end of year , it also plans to set up regional stores in four-line cities of China.
Of course, competitive pressure from other men's brand is not small, Zegna brand plans to open a new concept of the world store, launched a limited edition item, and so on.
Last year, the Ermenegildo Zegna brand's net income reached 79,200,000 dollars, well ahead of  $ 24,000,000 of 2009. Growth in Asian markets accounted for 46%, 30% growth in the Chinese market alone.
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文章关键词: Zegna  China market 


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