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Study on China-Arab relations of economy, trade

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-09-21 10:31:10  来源:cas-expo.org 收藏

BEIJING, Sept. 19 (Xinhuanet) -- The China-Arab trade has a long history, tracing back to the Silk Road of nearly 2,000 years ago.

In modern times, China and Arab countries have been maintaining a friendly and harmonious diplomatic relation, since it was established 50 years ago.

Especially since China's initiated its reform and opening-up drive, the deepening of the China-Arab relation has laid a favorable foundation for the development of their ties in the economy and trade.

In recent year, the China-Arab trade has been growing rapidly -- its volume rising fast; the ratio in total trade volume increases steadily, while it varies in different regions.

Moreover, there is an enormous potential and promising prospect of cooperation for both sides in agriculture, finance, human resources training and tourism.

However, the years of war in the Mideast, trade protectionism policies, the small trade scale and defective trade structure has hampered the development of China-Arab relations in the economy and trade.

To further promote the China-Arab relations in the economy and trade, the following proposals were concluded as:

-- A new international mechanism should be established in China-Arab cooperation in the economy and trade;

-- More new platforms, as China-Arab States Economic and Trade Forum, should be built for China-Arab exchanges;

-- More new contents should be added to carry out the cooperation and seek a win-win situation; and

-- Ningxia should play a new unique role in China-Arab relations on the economy and trade.

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文章关键词: China-Arab  economy  trade 


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