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Jeanologia to present latest in jeans finishing at ITMA

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-09-21 14:38:06  来源:fibre2fashion 收藏
From September 22nd to September 29th, Jeanologia company, highly specializing in jeans finishing (Jeanologia, the Science of Finishing), will present at Textile Fair ITMA (Barcelona, Spain), the last innovations for Jeans Finishing.

Under the slogan of 3E (Ecology, Efficiency and Ethics) the company has developed the latest technology that allows to get greater energy, water, chemicals and time savings.

Jeanologia has long been a pioneer in the development of textile laser which has avoided the use of unhealthy techniques of operators and has reduced the energetic consumption and the pollution. This laser can reproduce authentic worn patterns on Jeans reducing production time and assuring reproducibility achieving true authentic look.

As well as laser, Jeanología has G2 Technology, an eco-washing machine that works only with active oxygen and ozone, allowing wash jeans and shirts with vintage finishing, without using water or chemicals.

This time, the company will travel to ITMA in Barcelona where will present the technological advances that this Spanish company has developed in order to reach high levels of ecology and efficiency.

In this line, the new laser technology will allow greater production compared with other ways of jean finishing such as manual scraping, spray or sandblasting.

Laser offers high levels of productions. With laser technolgy 100 or 200 of jeans can be produced per hour, while manual scraping produces only 10 units per hour, sandblasting 30 and spray 60.

Specifically, the G2 technology allows to save per garment a 62% of Kw/h, a 67% of water (liters) , an 85% of chemical, as well as a 55% of production time.

The environmental benefits that this new technology brings are spectaculars. Six billions of units per year are produced in the world, it means that every jean consumes 70 liters of water, 1 kw/h and 150 grams of chemicals, this figure represents per year 420 million m3 of water, 6 billion kw/h and 900,000 tons of chemicals.

If all the textile industry use this new technology, the equivalent of 2 years of human consumption of water in Paris and 2 years consumption of electricity in Nepal could be save per year, as well as 720,000.00 tons of chemicals products

Jeanologia, a world leader in the textile sector
During last years, JEANOLOGIA has established itself as world leader in the development of technologies for denim. Currently has costumers around the 5 continents and the exportation of machines and services represents 90% of the turnover. More than 1000 GFK laser system units have been installed in 45 countries around the world shuch as USA, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Brazil, India, China, Russia, Mexico, Japan, Morocco , Bangladesh and Colombia.

The most important brands like Levi’s, Polo Jeans, Abercrombie & Fitch, Edwin Japan, Pepe jeans, Diesel, Hilfiguer Denim, Salsa jeans, or great retailerlike GAP, Uniclo or Zara, have trust in this Spanish company, using technologies developed by them.

Jeanología will be placed at H4-D132 stand of ITMA where the visitors will be able to see live demonstrations of how the new generation of GFK laser and eco-washing machine G2 works.
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文章关键词: jeans finishing  Jeanologia company  ITMA 


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