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Puma launches recycled suede footwear

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-09-22 13:55:26  来源:ecotextile 收藏
HERZOGENAURACH - Puma has introduced a new recycled suede shoe into its expanding range of sustainable footwear.

Each element of the Puma Re-Suede show, including the upper, sockliner, laces and sublining have all been made with 100% recycled materials as well as a new outsole material.

The synthetic ultra suede upper material has been developed by Toray, with the synthetic suede comprised of 100% recycled polyester fibres, produced by a chemical recycling process that reduces the energy consumption and the CO2 emission by 80% compared to the production of virgin materials, Puma said.

The outsole is then made from Double R Rice Rubber, which replaces a portion of the rubber content with a rice husk filler, reducing the overall rubber needed, and saving considerable fossil fuel energy in manufacturing and agricultural resources.

“The new footwear is incredibly light weight, thereby reducing the fossil fuels needed in transport, saving 15 tons of carbon emissions for every ten-thousand pairs shipped,” Puma said. “The Re-Suede will be sold in Puma’s Clever Little Bag, a cutting-edge innovation in sustainable packaging that replaces traditional shoeboxes."

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