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A double blessing upon the textile export from Shishi to EU

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-09-27 16:31:54  来源:CTEI 收藏

Our reporter recently learned from Shishi Office of Quanzhou Inspection and Quanrantine Bureau that, from January to August period of 2011, textile exported from Shishi to European Union 1723 batches, with products value USD 108.39 million, added value of the ratio were separately 148 percent and 222 percent; textile exported to ASEAN 148 batches, with products value USD 10.341 million, added value of the ratio were separately 66 percent and 236 percent.

It is reported that, besides the soaring growth of the textile export to EU and ASEN, export of shoes products were also increased rapidly. The previous 8 months, shoes products exported from Shishi to EU were 738 batches, products value USD 37.637 million, added value of the ratio were separately 4.97 percent and 26.6 percent; shoes products exported to ASEAN 41 batches USD 1.035 million, added value of ratio were separately -19.6 percent and -54.6 percent.

Analyzed by the insider of the industry, concluded from the data, the current result is a tribute of introduction of the talents and equipment of Shishi textile enterprises, by paying high prices on transformation, turns out, both production capacity and added value of the products are promoted completely. Now they have sufficient ability and confidence to tackle the increasing demands and the more strict trade barriers from the members of the European Union.

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文章关键词: textile export  Shishi  EU 


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