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Huntsman to restructure Textile Effects business

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-09-28 10:42:10  来源:ecotextile 收藏
BASEL - Huntsman has announced a strategic overhaul of its Textile Effects business that could include the possible closure of its production facilities and business support offices in Basel, Switzerland.

The planned restructuring and the possible closures could affect approximately 600 positions in Basel, with potentially 500 job losses and 100 positions moving to other sites across the organization, to build capability closer to customers.

Given the size and scale of the Huntsman operation, the move does not really come as too much of a surprise, particularly when you take into account the company’s needs to locate its manufacturing assets as close as possible to its largest customer markets, most notably Asia, if it is to improve its long term global competitiveness.

Commenting on the planned restructuring, Peter R Huntsman, President and CEO of Huntsman Corporation, said the business needed to take bold action to fundamentally improve the poor financial performance of the Textile Effects division. “We've made extensive and costly efforts to boost this division's competitiveness since acquiring the Business in 2006, but as customers and competitors alike have increasingly moved their centers of business to Asia, we must re-align ourselves according to these industry trends,” he said. “The recent strengthening of the Swiss franc has greatly impacted our cost structure in Switzerland, which just serves to reinforce the need for re-alignment.”

Paul Hulme, President of the Textile Effects division, added: "The planned restructuring builds on the difficult, but successful changes undertaken in the last few years and is designed to ensure that the TE Business is strongly positioned to compete successfully against the ever increasing Asian competitor base and deliver long-term profitable growth for our shareholders and associates.

“Also, importantly from a customer perspective, in case of a possible closure, the transition of production to other Huntsman sites will be carefully phased, ensuring continued product availability and deliveries. We will, of course, manage this process openly and fairly, treating our employees with the dignity and respect they deserve.”

Consultations have commenced and the planned restructuring, including possible closures are targeted for completion by the end of 2013.

Huntsman's Advanced Materials division will continue activities at its sites in Basel and Monthey, Switzerland.

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文章关键词: Huntsman  Textile Effects business 


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