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Lectra presents fashion solution for China

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-09-28 15:35:47  来源:China Daily 收藏

SHANGHAI - Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to the textile industry, aims to expand business in the Chinese market by presenting Modaris V7 at the China International Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center on Tuesday.

Modaris V7, the latest version of its pattern-making and grading software solution for apparel, is a combination of Lectra's latest technology and fashion know-how in a bid to streamline apparel development, said Daniel Harari, director and chief executive officer of Lectra.

"The solution is currently the most widely used apparel pattern-making and grading software in the world and has become the standard among major French and Italian luxury brands. It has also been readily adopted by different types of fashion and apparel companies around the globe," he said.

China is a huge potential market for the fashion industry with its middle and affluent-class consumer households expected to increase from 50 million in 2010 to 140 million by 2020, said Andreas Kim, managing director of Lectra China.

"The country has the potential to account for about 30 percent for the global fashion market's growth in the next five years and will achieve threefold growth in the next 10 years to reach more than 1.3 trillion yuan by 2020," Kim said.

He said growth over the next 10 years in China will manifest itself in very different patterns from those of the past 10 years.

His words were echoed by Lectra Marketing Director Anastasia Charbin, who said China's fashion market will request more fashionable designs and faster delivery, which will force companies to change more quickly and become more innovative.

"Modaris V7 puts 3D technology at the heart of style development and will help fashion companies optimize the conception phase of their collections, essential to ensuring profitability and competitiveness," she said.

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文章关键词: Lectra  Chinese market 


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