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China Textile and Apparel Trade Fair Takes Off in the U.S.

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-09-30 14:32:00  来源:China Textile 收藏
As Zhang Yankai, vice president of CNTAC addressed, the United States and China have tied closely in trade cooperation for a long period. The bilateral trade is of importance to two countries and their people, and textile trade, as the key sector in the bilateral trade requiring mutual benefit and cooperation to reach a new high, can not be overlooked. Every year, China not only exports vast amount of textiles and apparels to America, but also imports large volume of textile raw materials, advanced technologies and equipments in return. He believed that the enterprises of China and America, by utilizing this professional go-between, will surely achieve a “Two-win” outcome with justice, stability and order.
The 2011 Fair attracts roughly 323 Chinese textile enterprises from 18 provinces, cities and autonomous regions, an increase of 30 % compared with that of 2010, home textile enterprises in particular. Some Chinese enterprises from west China, like Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Shanxi, are unwilling to be outdone by regular comers from Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, bringing their premium products to the table. With more than ten years of development, the Fair has been regarded by Chinese leading manufacturers as the efficient means to explore American lucrative goldmine. Through making in-depth analysis of the information collected during the in-house communication, they are easier to improve their marketing strategy and industrial structure to further meet the needs of American market. Besides Chinese participants, there are also 300 exhibitors from 16 countries and regions, an evidence that the supply chain of textiles is becoming more globalized.
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文章关键词: China & US trade  textile 


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