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Taiwan to stage biggest textile show

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-10-13 08:28:22  来源:focustaiwan.tw 收藏

Taiwan's largest textile show is set to begin in Taipei, with a sharp increase in the number of booths and exhibitors, the organizer said Tuesday

The Oct. 12-14 Taipei Innovative Textile Application Show (TITAS), now in its 15th year, will feature garments, accessories and other textile products based around the themes of functionality, environmental protection and fashion.

The show will host 580 booths operated by 345 businesses and factories from 12 countries and regions, including South Korea, India, Germany, Thailand, Japan and Hong Kong.

As textile tariffs between Taiwan and the Mainland started to be reduced this year following the signing of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement in June 2010, a record number of 69 exhibitors from the Mainland will attend the show.

The Taiwan Textile Federation, which is organizing the fair, described the show as the best platform in Taiwan for local and foreign exhibitors to showcase their innovative products and latest technologies.

The federation have invited 77 international brands from 22 countries and regions to attend more than 700 trade or procurement meetings, it said.

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