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NILIT to exhibit its innovative fibers at Intertextile

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-10-19 11:10:48  来源:fibre2fashion 收藏
NILIT , a global leader in the production of nylon 6.6, announced it will be displaying many of its revolutionary yarns, including NILIT Innergy, at the upcoming Intertextile Shanghai 2011 tradeshow. At the show, NILIT will also showcase the NILIT BodyFashion Trendbook for Spring/Summer 2013. Intertextile Shanghai is the leading international trade fair for apparel fabrics and accessories held yearly in China. It is set to take place October 18th-21st, 2011 in the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. The NILIT exhibit will be in Hall W3, Stand E42/F47.

Breaking new ground in yarn innovation
NILIT specializes in developing yarns with exceptional performance properties. NILIT Innergy is NILIT’s latest, cutting-edge fiber to reach the market. Made from nylon 6.6, NILIT Innergy has a built-in, naturally occurring mineral additive that creates far infrared ray (FIR) emissions. Garments made with NILIT Innergy yarns invigorate the body, increase feelings of well-being and help to reduce the appearance of cellulite. This makes the yarn perfect for shapers, hosiery, lingerie, medical socks, gloves and sportswear. Recently launched, visitors at Intertextile Shanghai will have the opportunity to experience firsthand this unique fiber.

In addition, numerous other NILIT yarns will be on display at the Intertextile Show. Among the yarns to be highlighted are: NILIT Softex - superior, full dull microfiber yarn that delivers supreme softness and rich coloration, NILIT Aquarius – with moisture management properties built-in to the fiber and NILIT Ecocare - recycled yarn with excellent color depth and dye uniformity.

Likewise, NILIT’s new bodyfashion trendbook for Spring/Summer 2013 will also be presented. The book features collections designed and conceived by NILIT fashion consultant Ilana Joselowitz. Bodywear and activewear are the focus of this year’s collection. Nilit offers a range of technologically advanced yarns that have been engineered to provide enhanced comfort and performance.

A strong, growing presence in China
Dedicated to the textile industry, NILIT’s participation in the Intertextile Shanghai 2011 will be its most recent activity in China following two strategic investments: the addition of a new spinning plant and the expansion of the company’s texturing capacity in its Suzhou manufacturing site.

"We at NILIT are excited to have the opportunity to display our latest yarn innovations, specifically NILIT Innergy, at the Intertextile Shanghai tradeshow,” commented Michal Ron Gavish, Global Marketing Manager at NILIT. “NILIT is committed to the textile industry in general and to the Chinese market in particular. Intertextile Shanghai is the perfect venue for showing the market why NILIT is known as the leader in creativity and innovation in nylon 6.6."
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文章关键词: NILIT  innovative fibers 


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