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The Import and Export Volume of Yarns From Jan to Aug in China

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-10-21 16:11:40  来源:168tex.com 收藏
According to the Customs, the import and export volume of yarns from Jan to Aug was 3,207,500 tons, which dropped 4.54% Y-on-Y, and the import and export volume was 12.702 billion USD, which increased 24.3% Y-on-Y. Among which the export volume was 2,179,500 tons, which increased 2.32% Y-on-Y; the export value was 8.564 billion USD, which increased 31.31%; the export average price was 3.93 USD/KG, which increased 28.33% Y-on-Y. The import volume was 1,027,000 tons, which dropped 16.42%; the import value was 4.148 billion USD, which increased 11.92%.
First, the monthly export volume in Aug dropped consecutively, and the export price dropped obviously.
In terms of monthly exports, the export value in Aug was 0.902 billion USD, which increased 5.34% Y-on-Y and dropped 8.5% M-to-M. the export volume dropped to 232,300 tons, which dropped 2.9% Y-on-Y and 3.1% M-to-M; the export average price dropped obviously, from 4.27 USD/KG in June to 3.89 USD/KG in Aug, which increased 18.4% Y-on-Y and dropped 4.9% M-to-M. 

The export volume of cotton yarns, silk yarns, and wool yarns in Aug dropped and the drop rated was among 20%-30%. The export volume and value of chemical yarns increased 8.98% and 36.22% Y-on-Y separately.  
Secondly, the exports growth to ASEAN slowed down gradually, the exports to Turkey and Pakistan increased.
The export volume growth to ASEAN slowed down, from Jan to Aug, the export volume was 208,400 tons, which increased 8.71%; the export value was 0.837 billion USD, which increased 40.18%. Among which the export value to Vietnam and Indonesia were 0.31 billion USD and 0.13 billion USD separately, and the growth rate were 75.38% and 61.25%, and the monthly export value to the tow counties were 29 million USD and 6 million USD, which dropped 11.23% and 25.31% separately. The export value to Thailand in Aug increased 4.51% and to Cambodia increased 84.55%. 
From Jan to Aug, the export growth to Pakistan and Turkey increased obviously, the export value were 0.337 billion USD and 0.331 billion USD, which increased 56.9% and 46% separately. The monthly export value was 46 million USD and 33 million USD, which increased 58.4% and 47%.

The yarns exports growth to USA dropped, from Jan to Aug, the export value was 0.3 billion USD, which increased 22.17%. Currently, the USA ranks number 10 in China export market, and the monthly export volume in Aug dropped 3.03%. 
Third, the exports of Shaanxi, Jiangxi, Fujian provinces increased rapidly, and export volume of 12 provinces and cities dropped.
Shaanxi, Jiangxi, Fujian provinces exports grew rapidly, the export values were 12.31 million, 76.09 million, and 0.35 billion USD, which increased 1000%, 92.5% and 83.5%.
The four export value dropped provinces are Beijing, Hainan, Qinghai, and Shanxi. There are 12 provinces whose export volumes dropped, among which the yarns export volume of yarns production and export main provinces Guangdong and Shandong dropped 11.8% and 23.6% from Jan to Aug.
Fourth, the exports of chemical fibers, wools increased, export volume of cotton and silk yarns dropped.
From Jan to Aug, the export volume of chemical fibers was 1,333,900 tons, which increased 13.26%; the export value was 4.98 billion USD, which increased 46.54% Y-on-Y and accounting for 58.19% of yarns exports. The export volume of cotton and silk yarns dropped, which were 291,100 tons and 5,800 tons separately and dropped 24.62% and 7.78% Y-on-Y, the export value were 1.732 billion and 0.208 billion USD, which increased 10.35% and 14.84%. The export value of wool yarns was 0.874 billion USD, which increased 19.63% Y-on-Y.
Fifth, the Y-on-Y growth of cotton yarns export price was still highest, and dropped M-to-M.
From Jan to Aug, the cotton yarns price was 5.95 USD/KG, which increased 46.39% Y-on-Y and its growth rate was the highest in the yarns products. The cotton price dropped since May, and the monthly cotton yarns price dropped since July. The monthly cotton yarns price in Aug was 5.86 USD/Ton, which dropped 2.8% compared to last month. The unit price of silk and chemical fiber yarns were 31.33 and 3.94 USD/KG, which increased 5.39% and 25% separately. The price of wool yarns was 31.12 USD/Ton, which increased 30.16%.
Among the main export markets, the export price to Hong Kong was highest; the export unit price was 8.16 USD/KG from Jan to Aug, which increased 50.56% Y-on-Y. The export price to Europe countries such as Italy and German increased 70.58% and 64.71%.
The general trade accounting for 58.75% of the yarns exports, the export value was 5.031 USD from Jan to Aug, which increased 43.28%. The export unit price was 4.45 USD/KG, which increased 25.24%; the processing trade export value was 3.308 billion USD, accounting for 38.63%. the export unit price was 3.29 USD/KG, which increased 26.77% Y-on-Y.
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文章关键词: yarn  import & export  Jan to Aug 


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