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Chinese creativity blooms in Paris

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-10-24 15:28:17  来源:CTEI 收藏

Following the event of “China in Paris ·Unbounded Chinese Contemporary Creativity Night” show, which was listed in the official release schedule of Paris Fashion Week and held successfully in March, a new event promoted and integrated by AFP fashion international institution, the inauguration reception of “China in Paris · Chinese Creativity in Paris” was held in Evreux mansion, along side the famous Vendome Square in Paris on September 19th, on the eve of the Paris Fashion Week.

This event pulled the curtain of the Showroom World Tour of Unbounded creative contemporary Chinese Alliance. Du Yuzhou, chairman of the China National Textile Industry Council, Didier Grumbach, president of the French Association of the High Fashion, Chen Dapeng, executive vice chairman of China National Garment Association, Silevel al-Chomsky, Secretary General of the French Association of the High Fashion attended the reception and witnessed the brilliance of the Sino-French cultural exchange.

Five award winners announed

Evreux mansion, in front of the floor window that overlooks the VendomeSquare, Didier Grumbach and Du Yuzhou delivered a speech respectively and exchanged gold brush that represents China and jewelry quill that represents France. People from both Chinese and French fashion industry, culture and arts section cheer toasts for the friendship between the deans of the fashion field and friendship between China and France.

Another significant part of the reception was the announcement of the designers’ who won the five awards of 2011 China Creative Design Contest ( 2011 CCDC) by Chen Dapeng, the five winners are: Zhan Wenshu for Kepai Designer’s award; Liu Fang for SUNRISE Creative Kitting award; He Chuang for Zhuoshang Commercial Value award; Liu Haicheng for Tammy Tam Advanced Customization award; Zhu Wen for Sohu Fashion Focus award. These five award winners will be directly into next year’s contest of CDCC, and follow the step of 2012 AFP fashion international institutions’ Unbounded World Tour, joining the showroom in each and every stop around the world.

Creative business platform builded

As a international design and art exchange platform,the Unbounded Creative Alliance was jointly set up by AFP fashion international institution,AFP art international institution and AFP media international institution, with the core of “ to promote the creative and innovative way of life”, gathered almost 100 creative brands from home and abroad, including the most competitive brand investors, fashion brand buyers from around the world to promote the unbounded development of creative design and contemporary art.

Through the tour exhibition in such cities as Paris, Beijing, Shanghai, HongKong, Shenzhen, Dalian, Hangzhou, Wuhan, the unbounded alliance world tour will introduce the works of Chinese contemporary designers to the international top business showroom, continue to bring the Chinese design strength to the front of the international fashion stage.

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