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Weekly Report: Viscose Staple Fiber(24th Oct~28th Oct)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-10-31 08:41:39  来源:168tex.com 收藏

For the macro environment influence, viscose staple fiber market is dull. Some plants even ask to lower down operation rate to reduce stock. For the lack of favorable factor, viscose staple fiber price dropped fast. Now the inventory in the downstream pulp plant is increasing, with low intent of manipulation, thus VSF price keep at a low level. Moreover, downstream demand is not optimistic, and there are few orders, and now stock in yarn plants begins to pile up, thus bring its price down.

On upstream, lint cotton price this week is generally stabilized, but its price is still weak. Now Xiajin short plush lint, free delivered with the province and with invoice is offered at 5500CNY/t, which dropped 100CNY or so, comparing with that of the previous week. For the luster lack demand, pulp plants are mostly buy in material of half a month amount. As for cotton pulp, its trade atmosphere is weak, with less orders and plants are mostly carrying out the previous orders. By the end of the month, some VSF plant cash return cycle is long, and their manipulation intent is low. Currently, pulp plants are mostly run on mere profit. For the profit margin of long plush pulp is better than short plush pulp, some plants have transferred to processing long plush pulp. Now short plush pulp is mainly offered around 10500CNY, dropping by 400CNY. Cotton pulp in Xinjiang area has broken 10000 CNY to the level of 9500CNY.
On downstream, cotton price continue downward. Now cotton farmers in Xinjiang, Shandong and also some other places, reluctant to sell up the goods, which lead to a short supply, and the downstream demand is weak, thus boost cotton price downward. Now China 328 grade cotton is offered at 19432CNY/t, dropping by 191CNY/t. As for rayon yarn, its price also slightly went down this week. For the influence of a weak demand, there is a lack of orders following up and the operation rate in the yarn plants is sharply reduced. Low priced rayon yarn is common in Guangdong Foshan. Now 30S for knitting is offered at 22000CNY/t, while 30S for weaving is offered around 22500CNY/t, but dull sale.
To sum up, viscose staple fiber price began to downward. Some plants have planned to stop to checking and repairing. The after market is not well regarded. The major factors that influence VSF price trend are the domestic macro market change and the situation of the end demand. It is estimated that VSF next week will still slightly drop.
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