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Fong Group to supply textile machinery to Chinese Lu Thai

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-10-31 13:20:16  来源:www.fiber2fashion.com 收藏
Hong Kong-based Fong’s Industries Group, involved in design, manufacture and sale of dyeing and finishing machinery for textile industries, has announced that it has been selected by Chinese textile manufacturer Lu Thai Textile Co Ltd. and its subsidiary Lu Feng Co Ltd. for procuring equipment for their expansion project.

Fong’s Group said it will supply full range of dyeing and finishing equipment for the Chinese companies’ expansion project for manufacturing of high quality piece dyed and yarn dyed fabrics.

The equipment to be supplied by Fong Group will include Fong’s Allwin and Labwin series package/beam yarn dyeing machines and RF radio frequency dryer; Monfongs’s 6500 stenter and Monfongtex 868 shrinking range; Goller Complexa continuous desizing, scouring and bleaching range, Desiza continuous desizing range, Cadena chain/chainless combined mercerizing range, Colorapad-steam range and Effecta continuous washing range.

Fong’s Group has been supplying textile manufacturing equipment to Lu Thai for around two decades. The decision of the Chinese companies to procure the products for their expansion project from Fong’s reflects the faith of the industry in Fong’s philosophy of providing “One-stop green innovation”.
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文章关键词: Fong Group  Lu Thai Textile 


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