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Hi-Tech and Fong’s show up on the ITMA

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-11-01 10:34:28  来源:CTEI 收藏

The once every four years ITMA exhibition was held recently in Barcelona, Spain. China Hi-Tech Group Corporation attaches great importance on the exhibition as it is a grand event of textile industry. The total exhibition area for Hi-Tech Group and its branch companies is 1100 square meters including 11 equipments of cotton spinning, dyeing and finishing, nonwoven, which represents part of the latest research results of Hi-Tech Group. Moreover other machinery products of Hi-Tech Group are demonstrated on the exhibition through video, pictures and brochure.

Fong’s Industries Company Limited is one of the 5 listed companies affiliated to Hi-Tech Group, now making its first international appearance after joining the Hi-Tech Group. Ye Maoxin, the vice president of Hi-Tech Group expressed his high expectations on it. He said, “Fong’s Industries Co., Ltd, a new member of Hi-Tech Group, now the core enterprise of Hi-Tech’s printing and dyeing business, will push the whole group’s printing machinery capability forward.”

The CEO of Fong’s Industries Co., Ltd Wei Yong noted that: “The year 2011 was a brilliant year for Fong’s Industries Co., Ltd, in this year, we became one family with Hi-Tech Group. Fong’s Industries Co., Ltd has committed to a higher level of development, aiming at not only being the one-stop supplier of printing and dyeing equipment, but also providing the technological solutions to our customers to meet their growing environmental protection requirements. On the Barcelona ITMA, our theme is ‘One stop environment protection innovation’, this represents our company’s service strategy of providing one-stop supply, before and after sales service.”

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文章关键词: Hi-Tech Group  ITMA 


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