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Messe Frankfurt teams up with ESMOD

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-11-02 08:46:30  来源:ecotextile 收藏
FRANKFURT –Textile trade show organiser Messe Frankfurt has teamed up with ESMOD, the world’s largest international fashion school to jointly promote sustainability in the fashion business through a newly signed cooperation agreement.
The École Superieure des Arts et Techniques de la Mode (ESMOD), which counts luminaries such as fashion designers Jean Paul Gaultier and Thierry Mugler among its former students, says that with the Ethical Fashion Show in Paris and the GREENshowroom in Berlin, Messe Frankfurt has already shown its sustainable credentials and makes a perfect partner.

“For us it is very important to be with professional and specialists concerning the environment to inform and to teach our students. With Messe Frankfurt we found a strong partner in the field of sustainable textiles with a worldwide network,” said Christine Walter-Bonini, General Manager Esmod International.

Initially the partners will develop a new study programme on ‘Sustainability and Eco-Fashion’ that will be gradually integrated within the curriculum. In addition, they will also hold an ‘Eco-Fashion’ international design award and create a trend show ‘Esmod/Ethical Fashion Show. Other plans include presentations and special shows, joint PR activities and the creation and expansion of a joint international network.

Member of the Messe Frankfurt Executive Board Detlef Braun described the partnership as being “driven by the dedication of both parties to top performance and high quality”, adding that Messe Frankfurt and Esmod intended to develop a “solid platform for fashion produced by ecologically and socially responsible means”.
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文章关键词: Messe Frankfurt  ESMOD 


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