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Huntsman Textile Effects Reinforces Market Focused Strategy

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-11-03 08:33:40  来源:CTEI 收藏
Singapore – With effect from 1st November 2011, Mr Rohit Aggarwal will be appointed Vice President, Strategic Marketing and Planning and Mr Kent Kvaal, as Vice President, Sales and Technical Resources. These new appointments will replace the current Strategic Business Units (SBUs) organizational structure for Apparels and Home Textiles (AHT) and Specialty Textiles (ST).

The change of leadership roles and re-alignment of the Textile Effects (TE) global business model builds on the success of the TE business strategy to become more market and customer focused. The new simplified structure will provide a stronger platform that will ensure greater flexibility and faster response times to customer and market demands in support of TE’s continued drive to achieve its business goals.  

In their new roles, Mr Aggarwal will be responsible for the global strategic marketing and planning platform which include strategic marketing, marketing communications, product management, business development and the Formulation Distribution Center* organization with a clear focus to bring end user segment strategies to enhance value for our direct customers and brands and retailers globally.

Mr Kvaal will be responsible for the global commercial and technical service platforms which provide comprehensive solutions to a demanding set of markets including specialized synthetics, automotive, woven functional fabrics, carpet, wool and nonwovens.

Both key leaders will remain located in Singapore where the Huntsman Textile Effects headquarters is located, closer to its sales and customer support organization in Asia, a key and growing market for the business.

Mr Aggarwal, a veteran with 20 years of experience has developed an in-depth understanding of the chemicals industry, having worked with renowned MNCs in various global leadership positions. Preceding this new appointment, he was Global Vice President, Apparels and Home Textiles (AHT).

Mr Kvaal brings with him many solid years of senior management background, having assumed a variety of roles in MNCs with full P&L responsibilities. Before taking on this new role, he was Global Vice President, Specialty Textiles (ST).
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文章关键词: Huntsman  Textile Effects 


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