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[Canton Fair]: Third Phase Ends, Textile & Apparel Turnover up 11.52% in first 3 days

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-11-09 15:55:33  来源:CCFGroup.com 收藏
The third phase of the 110th China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair) closed on Nov 14. It focused on textile, clothing, shoes, bags, medicine and health care products and food.

In the first three days of the third phase, textile and apparel turnover totaled 1.523 billion US dollar, up 11.52% from the last autumn fair (110th Fair). While in the Spring Fair (109th Fair), the turnover was 2.594 billion US dollar. Participants said the orders from Europe and US dropped apparently and the orders received were of low profit.

We think although the trade is unsatisfactory during the fair, the demand from emerging countries and domestic market is expected to support textile industry to some extent. The demand for home textiles, lining and accessories in China Textile City is increasing, so mills need not to be too pessimistic. If they insist on product design and innovation, there will be chances once the European and US economy improve.
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文章关键词: Canton Fair  textile & apparel 


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