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RadiciGroup Supplies Yarn For Amicrotex Project To Make Antimicrobial Fabrics

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-11-11 09:37:30  来源:textileworld 收藏
Italy-based manufacturing conglomerate RadiciGroup is supplying yarn to the Amicrotex project to develop a range of antimicrobial textiles designed to reduce bacterial contamination and nosocomial infections in medical and healthcare environments. The project, funded through European funds for regional development, includes participants throughout the textile chain including yarn manufacturers, weavers, apparel manufacturers, laundries, consultancies, scientific institutions and hospital centers.

Noyfil S.p.A., Italy, and Noyfil S.A., Switzerland, part of RadiciGroup's Fibres business, will supply the project with Starlight® feel, formerly known as Nanofeel®, a bacteriostatic polyester yarn in which silver metal nanoparticles inside a silicon dioxide matrix are incorporated during extrusion. The nanoparticles are located on the matrix surface as well as throughout the matrix, providing both immediate and long-term bacteriostatic effectiveness.

According to RadiciGroup, the yarn also features properties including high colorfastness owing to solution-dyeing of the polymer and the addition of a non-oxidizing active ingredient; prevention of odors caused by microbes; durable efficacy and wash resistance; elimination of downstream finishing processes and consequent reduction of environmental impact from water and energy consumption; no breakdown of the fiber's or yarn's mechanical properties; and no hindrance of downstream textile processing.

The yarn has been tested for antimicrobial efficacy and duration according to ISO 20743/JIS 1902 (Textiles and absorbent articles). The Germany-based Hohenstein Institute has placed it in the institute's highest antimicrobial performance class, demonstrating its efficacy after up to 300 launderings at 40°C.

Centro Tessile Cotoniero e Abbigliamento S.p.A. and Istituto San Raffaele, both based in Italy, are conducting further testing after repeated washing and bleaching of fabric produced under the project; and hospital coats are being produced that will be tested in a hospital environment.

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