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Countdown to ‘International Conference on Manmade Fibre Textiles’ begins

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-11-16 14:17:17  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏
With just three days away, the countdown to the ‘International Conference on Manmade Fibre Textiles’ to be held on November 18-19, 2011 at the prestigious Indian Institute of Management – Ahmedabad (IIM-A) has begun.

Addressing a packed media gathering, Dr PR Roy – Director, Fibre2fashion the joint organizers of the conference said, “Following the success of the Conference on Denims held last year, we are once again hosting one more on manmade fibre textiles”.

“In global economies, consumption of manmade fibres is 64 percent, while that of cotton fibre is just 36 percent, while in India, consumption of cotton and manmade fibre is 60 percent and 40 percent, respectively.

“Cotton will have its own limitations in the near future in terms of availability of land and water for irrigation and yields, which after posting remarkable growth a few years back, is now not increasing in recent years. However population is growing at 1.4 percent per annum, while fibre output is growing at the rate of 3.4 percent in the last three years.

“Global per capita consumption of textile fibres is close to 12 kgs, while in India it is just around 3.5 kgs. In this scenario, we have closely looked in to the role manmade fibre textiles will play in the future. Technical textiles are another segment where usage of manmade fibres will rise, in tandem with the growing economic indicators of India.

“Demand from the major segments where manmade fibres are consumed – clothing, home textiles and technical textiles is increasing with each passing year. So, manmade fibres are expected to play a very important role in the coming years. Within manmade fibres, polyester is the highest consumed fibre, followed by viscose fibres.

“China produces manmade fibres amounting to almost 46 million tons per annum, while Indian output is just 6.1 million tons. The conference will deliberate on bridging the huge gap and noted UK-based textile analyst – Mr Robin Anson will speak on the manmade fibre industry in India vis-à-vis China and Taiwan.

“Technical textiles, a major consumer of manmade fibres and also a burgeoning industry in India is another topic that will be addressed by the conference”, he winded up by saying.
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