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China Texmatech eager to set up textile machinery plant in Gujarat

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-11-17 11:10:02  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏
China Texmatech Co. Ltd. (CTMTC), the largest enterprise in China specialized in the import and export of textile machinery and technology, has expressed interest in setting up a high-tech textile machinery plant in west Indian State of Gujarat.

A delegation led by Mr. Wu Xiuhua, Vice President of CTMTC called on Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi and expressed its willingness to establish a high-tech project for manufacturing textile machinery.

The delegation also lauded the efforts of Gujarat government in creating an investment-friendly atmosphere in the State.

CTMTC turned into a limited company from state-owned company after gaining the share capital from Jingwei Textile Machinery Co. Ltd. in 2004. Presently the company focuses its business on the import and export of textile machinery and technology, textile products and garments, textile raw material, and contracted engineering.

Over the years, CTMTC’s import and export of textile machinery and technology has expanded from cotton spinning to wool spinning, flax spinning, silk, chemical fibre, knitting, printing, dyeing and many other fields.

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文章关键词: CTMTC  textile machinery plant  Gujarat 


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