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First Chinese brand makes Detox pledge

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-11-22 08:59:29  来源:ecotextile 收藏
AMSTERDAM - Chinese sportswear brand Li-Ning and European retail giant C&A have joined the Greenpeace ‘Detox’ campaign, adding their weight to the 'Joint Roadmap' which is aimed at eliminating all releases of hazardous substances from supply chains and products by 2020.

With Adidas, H&M, Nike and Puma also involved, the Joint Roadmap, outlines how the companies will deliver against their 'Detox' commitments and includes details on the development of tools to monitor the release of hazardous chemicals, green chemistry initiatives and pilot projects for the elimination of certain chemicals.

However, although it welcomed the brands’ contribution, Greenpeace said it was still calling on the companies to respond with greater urgency to the problem of toxic water pollution, by publishing shorter and more concrete timelines for the elimination of the most hazardous chemicals.

“Now that fashion leaders have sketched out their designs for a toxic-free future, they need to transform these into ready-to-wear collections that will bring about large-scale change in the fashion sector,” said Martin Hojsik, Detox Campaign Coordinator at Greenpeace International. “We're calling on all of these companies to become more transparent, and to provide clear timelines for the disclosure of pollution information, so that the public can quickly and easily monitor their progress towards zero discharges of all hazardous chemicals.”

Hojsik also said that as the first Chinese brand to commit to removing all hazardous chemicals from its supply chain, the inclusion of Li-Ning in the Joint Roadmap, and their accompanying 'Detox' commitments, set a clear precedent for all other Chinese brands to follow.

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文章关键词: Li-Ning  C&A  "Detox" campaign 


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