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The China Fashion Week awards winners

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-11-22 10:34:12  来源:CTEI 收藏

China Fashion Week (2012 Spring & Summer Collection) -- for the first time entitled by the prominent brand of global automotive industry Mercedes-Benz -- was held in Beijing from October 24 to November 2. China International Fashion Week has gone through 15 years since founded in 1997. The collaboration with Mercedes this year was the sign from under-development to maturity of China Fashion Week. That will also bring positive effect in enhancing and upgrading the internationalization of China Fashion Week and bring more opportunities for China Fashion Week to cooperate with international famous brands.

Five grand prizes were unveiled on the evening of November 1, namely they are: China Fashion Prize 2011, China Fashion Week grand brand award, the 17th China Top Ten Fashion Designers, the 14th China Top Ten Professional Fashion Models, the 15th Golden Award of China Fashion Design Contest. Wang Yutao, the chief designer of Beauty Berry, won the gold medal of Gold Award. Zeng Fengfei and Denghao were separately winner of the best male and female designer of the year. The top ten designers of the year were Wang Dongfang, Yang Jie, Cheng Qiong, Yuan Bing, Chu Yan, Wu Qingqing, Luo Jingjie, Sun Xiuqin, Hong Meixuan, Ye Jianying. Men’s Design Award was granted to Cabbeen, ZUOAN and LILANZ, while Women’s Design Award was given to Gioia Pan, Eachway and Fangfang.

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