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New fiber of Tongda Island patented invention

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-11-22 13:21:23  来源:CTEI 收藏

Shandong Tongda Island New Materials Co., Ltd applied invention patent of “a kind of melt blending island fiber and its production method”, which was granted a patent by the People’s Republic of China State Intellectual Property Office and a certificate was issued as well.

Wang Lezhi, a staff from technology sector of the company indicated that this patent was accomplished independently by Shandong Tongda Island New Materials Co., Ltd, the inventors include six staff of the company, in addition to his own, Ma Lihao, Dong Ruihua, Yan Ruiping, Liu Likun and Yuan Haoliang.

It is reported that, the new fiber invented by this company has an excellent tensile response, also has the same softness of nylon, fluffiness of acrylic and stain resistance of polyester. Wang Lezhi said, this new fiber is mainly for the production of synthetic leather and micro-fiber non-woven, which can produce such things as high-grade micro-fiber cleaning cloth. The product can meet the market demand for new materials, with great economic and social benefits.

According to assessment experts, the patent tested out a new island micro-fiber, filling up the emptiness of China and at the mean while solving the problem of few varieties for island fiber. Besides, the non-woven produced by this fiber is with good elasticity, high surface roughness, the synthetic leather produced by this fiber has excellent functions and low cost, very competitive on the market.

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文章关键词: new fiber  Shandong Tongda  patent 


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