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Quliang International Jinrong Center lays foundation in Henan Xinmi

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-11-22 14:09:30  来源:CTEI 收藏

Quliang International Jinrong Center laid foundation in the industry cluster area of Henan Xinmi on October 25, signifying that an important part adding on the production chain of Henan textile & garment industry.

In recent years, growing number of small and medium sized textile & garment enterprises are facing the problems of limited work plants, labor scarcity, brand building lagging behind, slow upgrading, etc, yet most of the enterprises can hardly solve the problems alone due to their small scale and lack of supporting facilities. Qu Guosong, chairman of Garment Industry Association of Henan Province, said that, the foundation of the project of Quliang International Jinrong City, brought gospel to those developing small and medium sized garment enterprises, its construction will boost the development of the textile and garment industry of Henan province.

The managing director of Jinrong center Wang Jianxun noted that, Quliang International Jinrong Center project is the key project of Xinmi industry cluster area of Henan, occupying 1200 mu area, the project was joint-invested by Henan Yufa Properties Limited and Henan Jinrong Trading Co., Ltd with CNY 2.8 billion investment. With planned construction area of 1.6 million square meters, it will be an integrated garment industrial park comprised of garment production, modern logistics, office & restaurants, business & entertainment.

The rapid development of China’s central and western industry brought unprecedented historical opportunity to the textile and garment industry of Henan. Seizing the historical opportunity, Yufa Properties Limited invested in a large number of professional textile & apparel markets and industry parks named Jirong.

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文章关键词: textile & garment industry  Henan 


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