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Pakistani official: China is Pakistan's friend

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-11-23 11:15:53  来源:chinadaily 收藏

BEIJING – China is a friend that is helping Pakistan meet its challenges, said Nisar Khuhro, Assembly Speaker of Southeast Pakistan's Sindh province, at the Pakistani embassy in Beijing.

Frequent exchanges of high level delegations between China and Pakistan will further bilateral ties and help Pakistan become a proud country in the comity of nations, said Khuhro at the Trade and Investment Forum held on Thursday.

Khuhro said that the main purpose of the forum was to introduce Chinese investors to Sindh, the local government which created an atmosphere conducive for investment.

In line with the direction given by Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, the leadership of Pakistan is fully committed to increasing cooperation with China in all fields, added Khuhro.

The forum is a highlight of Khuhro's five-day visit to China which concluded Saturday. He came with a delegation of trade and investment officials of Sindh, who presented the Chinese business community with an array of areas worthy of investment, such as coal, renewable energy, agriculture, fishery and textile.

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