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Red Dragonfly 2012 spring and summer fashion trends release

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-11-29 14:06:13  来源:CTEI 收藏

Red Dragonfly Fashion Group held a fashion ceremony recently in Wenzhou which is entitled “Dragonfly Win 16 Years”, and “Memory of Venice” 2012 spring and summer fashion trends release. At the mean while, Red Dragonfly Cultural Fashion Tour, namely China Shoes Culture Museum, Brand Museum and Science Museum were grandly opened. International Superstar –Vitas – appeared on the concert after the press conference, brought his interpretation on music feast for the audiences.

“Dragonfly Win Party” was an European style open air concert after the opening show.To the accompaniment of the well-known band and the finale of Vitas,the concert created a positive, healthy, free, modern and detail painstaking image of Red Dragonfly Fashion Group.

The brand of Red Dragonfly was founded in 1995. Qian Jinbo, the chairman and president of Red Dragonfly Group, dreamed to create a high end brand with sense of history and oriental fashion elements. “Design is from life experience, but also a personality.” Said Qian Jinbo, “when the Chinese consumers began to identify with local brands, the historical accumulation will become the scarce resources of the brand, Red Dragonfly’s advantage lies in this. ”

This event broke people’s inherent brand image of Red Dragonfly. Red Dragonfly is not only a brand of shoes, but also mature international fashion group with a rich industrial structure. It brings together women’s fashion,men’s wear, children’s clothing, shoes, leather goods, accessories, and ultimately from the “shoe brand” to “fashion group”, the future has infinite possibilities.

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