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Esprit unveils elegant must-haves black womens dresses

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-12-02 13:11:03  来源:CTEI 收藏
Esprit, the international youth lifestyle brand introduces its new range of dresses. The new collection redefines the rules of LBD, or black dresses being elegant, sophisticated, wardrobe must-haves, to being this season’s most audacious wardrobe statement for woman.

The styles, cuts and silhouettes are a dichotomy of modern glam fashion and the 1950s ‘Femme Fatale’. Gisele Bündchen, the Brazilian super-model and occasional film actress; who is also the new face of Esprit's autumn-winter-11 campaign is seen flaunting them. The designs are aesthetically pleasing and glamorous, to make you look sensational this fall-holiday season.

Your search for that perfect black dress ends here. The latest collection of “black dresses” is meant to leave everyone around you spell-bound with its gorgeous designs; it’s proven that you cannot go wrong with black. Gisele personifies the aesthetics of this refreshing collection brilliantly as she looks bold, stunning and unapologetically fashionable.

The collection boasts of intrepid designs yet depicts soft feminity. The collection has perfect dresses for all events that include cocktail parties or a girl’s night-out. Define fashion with the latest dress collection from Esprit and enjoy the attention!!!

Esprit is an international youthful lifestyle brand offering smart, affordable luxury and bringing newness and style to life with an entirely new collection every month. The Brand offers 12 product lines encompassing women’s wear, men’s wear, kid’s wear, edc youth as well as shoes and accessories through over 640 directly managed retail stores and over 12,000 wholesale points-of-sale worldwide, occupying over 817,000 square metres directly managed retail space in more than 40 countries.
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