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Dec 2nd Daily Review on Polyester Prices

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-12-05 07:24:35  来源:168tex.com 收藏
PTA Spot Goods: Today PTA spot goods rise sharply in the domestic market, now the actual negotiating price is about 8,300-8,350 Yuan/ton, however, the PTA price goes strong in the overseas market, at present, the actual negotiating price of Taiwan cargo is 1,075-1,080 U.S. dollars per ton; and the actual negotiating price of Korean cargo is near by 1,060-1,065 U.S. dollars per ton.
PSF: Today the PSF (polyester staple fiber) price is raising steadily in East China, which parts of the manufacturer has raised the price, at present, 1.4D*38mm spinning polyester staple fiber that the major price focuses on 10,750-10,850 Yuan per ton in the market.
PET Bottle Chips: Today the polyester bottle price is increased in the domestic market, now the major quotation is about between 11,000-11,300 Yuan per ton in the domestic mainstream bottle manufacturer. In addition, the polyester bottle price is strong in the overseas market, and the quotation is nearly between 1,470 and 1,490 U.S. dollars per ton (FOB China). At present, the transaction atmosphere is insipid, and the actual negotiation is scarce in the market.
PFY: As a whole, the polyester yarn price tends to be increased in China-Shengze market. Most of DTY products are increased 100 Yuan/ton in a local melting spinning manufacturer; now DTY75D/72F quoted 15,000 Yuan/ton, and DTY75D/144F quoted 15,100 Yuan/ton.
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