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Knitting machine builders flock to ITMA Asia + CITME

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-12-06 08:48:11  来源:www.knittingtradejournal.com 收藏
Shanghai - Despite the current global economic slowdown, the organsiers of next year’s ITMA Asia + CITME exhibition have reported a stronger than anticipated response from textile machinery manufacturers keen to exhibit at the show, with many still attracted by the prospects offered by China as the world’s largest textile producer.

This, say organisers, can be seen from the overwhelming response received by the combined textile machinery show, which will be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre from 12 to 16 June 2012.

At the close of space application, some 130,000 square metres gross of exhibition space in 11 halls has been booked by leading industry names from some 30 economies. Although the space application deadline has passed, the show owners are still being sent late applications, including several applications for very large booths.

The exhibition is expected to feature some 1,300 local and international textile machinery makers who will showcase cutting-edge solutions, as well as sustainability and energy efficient machinery and processes.

Chinese exhibitors make up the biggest country group, booking around 50% of the total exhibition space. In addition to China, the main participating countries in terms of space applications are Germany, Italy, Japan and Switzerland.

Sector-wise, spinning machinery forms the largest sector, followed by knitting, dyeing and finishing, weaving and winding.

Miss Maria Avery, Secretary General of CEMATEX, The European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers, said: “The combined show is now well entrenched in the textile machinery exhibition calendar. It draws leading textile machinery manufacturers and is a must-attend showcase for the Asian market, offering plenty of business and networking opportunities.”

ITMA ASIA + CITME 2012 is owned by CEMATEX and its Chinese partners - the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT (CCPIT-Tex), China Textile Machinery Association (CTMA) and China Exhibition Centre Group Corporation (CIEC). It is organised by Beijing Textile Machinery International Exhibition Co Ltd and co-organised by MP International Pte Ltd.

Visitors can purchase their badges online at www.itmaasia.com and www.citme.com.cn to receive a 40% discount. For added convenience, visitors may print their badges after registration to help avoid possible long onsite queues during the show. This service is also extended to exhibitors who wish to purchase badges for their guests. Visitor online registration will open in December 2011.

Those interested in exhibiting or visiting ITMA ASIA + CITME can obtain more information from www.itmaasia.com or www.citme.com.cn

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文章关键词: knitting machine  ITMA Asia  CITME 


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