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Stylesight and China Textile Information Center (CTIC) Announce Exclusive Operational Partnership for Mainland China

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-12-07 10:19:15  来源:www.sacbee.com 收藏
Stylesight, the industry-leading global content and technology provider for professionals in the style, fashion and design sectors, announces an exclusive operational partnership with the China Textile Information Center (CTIC). Stylesight is now the official partner for all CTIC online initiatives, while CTIC, part of the China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC), will assume all sales, marketing and client services for Stylesight in mainland China.

"I have spent the majority of 2011, along with my new partner, Hu Song, Vice President of CTIC, working to create an online vision for China's style and design industry that recognizes China's great strides in design while outlining our mutual online vision for the future," says Frank Bober, Founder and CEO of Stylesight. "In this new partnership, Stylesight and CTIC will provide China's entire style industry with online content and tools to make jobs more efficient, and promote further creativity and inspiration. I am very proud to be partnering with CTIC in this game-changing endeavor."

"As a national industry development and service organization, the China Textile Information Center is committed to one mission when choosing partners and projects - they must help the Chinese textile and garment industry to evolve from a 'scale economy' to a 'value economy', and from a manufacturing-focused industry to a fashionably creative industry," says Hu Song, Vice President of CTIC.

"As a global leader in content, Stylesight is not only able to provide a substantial amount of industry information to textile and garment companies, but also provide a capable and convenient professional platform with designer tools that enable design professionals to see more and accomplish more. We plan to further strengthen our collaboration as we move forward, and Stylesight will help to promote Chinese fashion culture, product trends and new products to the rest of the world. Our collaboration focuses on information, fashion and creativity, which I believe will help advance the idea of 'Made in China' to 'Designed in China.'"

Stylesight's current platform, along with online offerings from CTIC, will be the initial focus. Additional offerings are planned as the partnership rolls out in 2012. Through CTIC and CNTAC, the partnership intends to serve the entire creative supply chain from product inspiration, through raw material research and design creation.

The new alliance will work closely with other Chinese industry associations including the China Fashion and Color Association (CFCA) and the China National Garment Association (CNGA) to create compelling content and events that complement Stylesight's offering in China. CTIC will be instrumental in assisting Stylesight in analyzing, obtaining and creating more relevant local content through their in-depth knowledge of the local China market. Stylesight subscribers will also have access to the CNCS color library, adding to Stylesight's already vast color offering. This makes Stylesight the only service in China to provide users access to CNCS virtual color chips. 

The CTIC/Stylesight team will be housed at China's Shanghai Mart, the hub of the design community in Shanghai, and the newly launched Innovation Park, Beijing, Guangzhou, Fujian.

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