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China Textile City signed a strategic cooperation with Akesu region which is a famous cotton base in china

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-12-08 12:41:27  来源:CTEI 收藏
Recently, government delegation from the Xinjiang Akesu region of of perfectural led by secretary of party committee Mr.Huang Sanping visit Shaoxing county to inspect the development of textile printing and dyeing industry, and signed a strategic cooperation agreement.
Zhejiang province is the counterpart aid support partner of Akesu region, Shaoxing city is the counterpart aid support partner of Awati County of Akesu region. Akesu is Chinese important cotton base which’s area of cotton is about 4’000’000 china acre, and output of cotton weight nearly 1/9 of Chinese totally output. as the largest and most varieties of textile products distribution center, China Textile City market have strong advantages in market influence. To strengthen bilateral cooperation and realize the complementary advantages of each sides, Management Committee of Akesu’s textile industry, Construction Committee of China Textile City and people's Government of Awati county have signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement of three sides.
According to the agreement, Construction Committee of China Textile City will organize member enterprises to build textile enterprises in Akesu textile industry such as printing and dyeing, weaving ,knitting, fabric, clothing and other textile items, elongated cotton industrial chain; use of Akesu port area advantage, China Textile City is building in a sales market in Akesu Textile Industrial cluster; Akesu industrial city and China Textile city construct cotton market and reserve system; China Textile City, relying on the information platform named " online Textile City"," all over the world", to establish information column of Akesu textile industrial city; Akesu textile industrial management committee appoint the most outstanding enterprises to join the Textile Fair held by china textile city; establish talent and technology exchange mechanisms; actively support the counterpart aid border and capital attraction job; set up cooperation working group and regular visits, meeting system.
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文章关键词: Textile City  strategic cooperation  Akesu region 


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