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Huntsman forms strategic partnership with Ramatex

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-12-09 07:50:20  来源:ecotextile 收藏
SINGAPORE - Huntsman Textile Effects has formed a strategic partnership with vertically integrated textile manufacturer Ramatex to become the world’s first textile company dedicated to and capable of enabling the brands to deliver the commitments contained in the Joint Roadmap: Toward Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals.

Announcing the collaboration, Mr. Ma Wong Ching, Chairman of Ramatex said, “Ramatex has always been committed to meeting the needs of the brands and responsible to the consumers we supply. It is clear that the Joint Roadmap is challenging and ambitious but represents an important first step in reducing the environmental impacts of the textile industry. I am proud to say that with our solid foundation and the strong support of our partner, Huntsman we are well placed to meet the challenge.”

Ramatex says its manufacturing processes embraces environmental protection, creating a more sustainable approach to its production by minimizing energy usage, adopting waste and water recycling and using organic materials and compliant chemicals and dyes only.

Paul Hulme, President of Huntsman Textile Effects added: “As a member of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition, Huntsman Textile Effects is proud to be a part of this major initiative in driving sustainability throughout the whole textile value chain. It is a privilege to be associated with Ramatex, who shares in this likeminded vision through this exclusive partnership, to help define and to work towards providing meaningful environmental choices. This partnership will leverage our combined capabilities to deliver not only the challenges of the roadmapbut indeed create a model for real, sustainable change within the textile industry.”

Based in Singapore, Ramatex has extended its operational base across Asia, with three fabric mills and 13 apparel factories spreading over Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia and China consisting of spinning, knitting, dyeing and printing and garment manufacturing facilities.

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文章关键词: Huntsman  Ramatex 


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