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The 12th five year plan for cocoon silk industry issued

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-12-12 15:13:23  来源:CTEI 收藏

Recently, National Silk Coordination Office of Ministry of Commerce issued a “cocoon silk industry 12th five year plan development program”(referred to as “the Outline”).

The Outline cleared, first of all, to keep the industry economic output steady. During the 12th five year plan period, the average annual output of silkworm cocoons was around 650,000 tons, silk product output reached 120,000 tons, silkworm economy income hit 20 billion Yuan, the average income of the silkworm farmer was raised, silk industry output value was more than 200 billion Yuan, the export of silk product was maintained at more than $3.5 billion.

Second, to break through a number of key technologies and equipments. Initially established the technology innovation and service system of “production, study, research and implement”, the industry productivity has improved significantly. By 2015, digital intelligent automatic silk reeling technology will be widely used, proportion of new shuttle-less looms in silk manufacturing equipment will be up to 90%, competitive enterprises will basically achieve information management.

Third,to strengthen brand development. Actively promote the enterprise terminal product development and brand-building, focusing on creating 10 well-known brands with national characteristics and international influence.

Finally,to encourage energy conservation and emission reduction, by speeding up energy-saving and consumption reducing, to boost the application of new emission technology and equipment in the silk industry.

The Outline emphasizes, during the 12th Five Year Plan, the industrial area layout should be optimized to promote development of Western, Central and Eastern areas; to raise the level of silk production, consolidate industry development foundation; to raise the level of industry technology and equipment to enhance core industry competence; to improve public service platform and promote industry quality; to speed up developing comprehensive utilization technology, improve the efficiency of resource use; to co-ordinate domestic and foreign markets, expand trade channels; to promote national characteristics and build China silk brand.

At present, China’s silk industry is in an important strategic promising opportunity period, yet also facing challenge of rising prices, increased competition and exchange rate risk. Currently, China’s cocoon agricultural base is still weak, silk industrial production technology and equipment research and development need to be improved, silk brand development is lagging behind, the market development of domestic silk market and new international export market, the ability to withstand market risks at home and abroad is weak, the market running regulation needs to be improved also.

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文章关键词: 12th five year plan  cocoon silk industry 


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