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Global news roundup

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-12-13 13:04:26  来源:www.just-style.com 收藏

The following is a round-up of apparel and footwear news from the world's local media. just-style has not checked these stories so cannot guarantee their accuracy.

  • Jaya Shree Textiles, a subsidiary of Aditya Birla Nuvo Group, says input costs have risen by over 50%. The company, which markets the brand Linen Club, has increased the price of its fabrics by 4-5% since the beginning of this month. The company attributed the hikes to a poor flax crop and rupee fluctuations. Company sources said input costs have gone up by about 54% since March this year. THE HINDU BUSINESS LINE
  • Lilliput Kidswear Ltd will raise up to INR5bn through a private placement of shares after Bain Capital and TPG agreed to the fundraising proposal - temporarily halting a dispute between the private-equity firms and the Indian children's wear brand. The company has informed its bankers that Grant Thornton and Avendus Capital will help it raise the amount through a fresh issue of shares. THE ECONOMIC TIMES
  • The Hanoi Textile Garment Company, an affiliate of Vinatex, has launched a fashion trade centre in Hanoi's Ha Don district. The centre is part of Hanosimex's strategy to expand its operation in the local market through staples such as knitwear and embroidered handkerchiefs. VIETNAM NEWS BRIEF SERVICE
  • Forever 21 is set to open a flagship store in Beijing as part of plans to re-enter China. The company will open a 24,000 square foot space in a multi-storey mall in Wangfujing, with a further two stores in Shanghai and Hong Kong to open in the first half of 2012. The company briefly operated a store in Changshu, but closed it down two-years ago after deciding the location was too remote and the store too small.
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文章关键词: apparel  fibre & fabric  footwear 


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