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New LYCRA fibre technology in January 2012

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-12-14 10:15:38  来源:fibre2fashion 收藏
INVISTA, one of the world's largest integrated producers of polymers and fibres, will announce a cutting-edge advancement in LYCRA fibre technology in Paris in January. The innovation, called LYCRA fibre with W Technology, is designed to offer the European fabric industry a new level of performance in an elastane fibre for intimate apparel, offering improved whiteness retention, uniformity and brilliant colour clarity for fabrics and garments.

For the intimate apparel industry, this technology will enhance styling flexibility with increased confidence, and will be the foundation for both whites and fashion colours. It will be ideal for both warp and circular knit fabrics, delivering visible improvements and allowing robust mill processing.

“This new product will provide a solution for more attractive garments with higher visual impact, which is especially important for moulded garments,” said Steve Stewart, INVISTA Apparel Global Director of Intimate Apparel & Swimwear. “In a market where excellent whites and fashion colours are a requirement, LYCRA fibre with W Technology will be key to providing customers with quality they can see,” he said.

“It will incorporate new spinning, luster, and dye-uptake technologies to make the fibre the invisible secret that delivers truly visible improvements,” Stewart added.

INVISTA will officially launch the new fibre technology at a gala event in Paris in January 2012, where the European industry players leading its adoption into commercial fabrics and garments will be recognized.

INVISTA continues to lead the fashion and textile industry by regularly updating its innovation portfolio, bringing added value to customers throughout the apparel value chain.

INVISTA is one of the world’s largest integrated producers of polymers and fibres, primarily for nylon, spandex and polyester applications. With a business presence in over 20 countries, INVISTA’s global businesses deliver exceptional value for their customers through technology innovations, market insights and a powerful portfolio of global trademarks including: COOLMAX, CORDURA, FRESHFX, LYCRA, SUPPLEX, TACTEL, and THERMOLITE.
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文章关键词: LYCRA fibre  INVISTA 


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