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Textile Mills "New Year" in Advance

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-12-14 12:34:05  来源:168tex.com 收藏
Once, the textile industry let many people rich overnight, which has created countless tens of millions or even billions of dollars worth of township business owners. Once, the textile prices double in just a few months, and the numbers of mills are jumped three times in short time. However, all good seems like a night-blooming cereus, gorgeous bloom and then wither quickly. Currently, the textile industry appears unprecedented low tide, even in some textile-dominated areas; nearly half of the textile factories face suspension or even closure. Although the distance from the Spring Festival is more than 40 days, while many textile mills have been put long annual leave in advance.
According to insiders, because the textile industry is ups and downs and the textile mills were near collapse. “After this crisis, there will have a great part person transfer the textile line to other lines.”
1. Workers put the annual leave in advance
December 10, the distance from the Spring Festival is more than 40 days, while parts of the textile mills put annual leave for workers in Changyi. The textile workers faced nearly two months of holidays, the heart is not happy, but worried. “The boss just said put the annual leave in advance, as for when start work after the festival, and it is temporarily no exact information yet.”
Changyi city is a textile-based county-level city, which the whole region have thousands of large and small textile mills and textile products throughout the country at the same time, while also exported to Europe and other developed countries. However, this is a city that based on the textile industry, which is suffering from an unprecedented blow. Large number of workers put annual leave in advance more than 40 days; while this year is simply this industry the epitome of a crisis.
“This year, the textile industry has been sluggish, if now the factory continues to start work and the plant loss more.” a mill owner of Yinma town Changyi Mr. Yang told reporters, “I have do more than ten years in the textile, and have never encountered such a situation.”
According to Mr. Yang introduced, Changyi with thousands of large and small mills and textile-related businesses, which have suffered different degrees. “Now it just some factory lose much and other plants afford to lose less.” And as for the entire textile industry is facing problems, but also from last year's "crazy cotton" speaking.
“Last year, the basic raw material of cotton textile industry drastically increases. In the craziest in October, it had appeared one day can be rose 1,000 Yuan of myth, while the corresponding prices of textile products also rise, and a day can rise one or two thousand Yuan.” Remembering to the rise of the crazy textile products last year, a textile mill owner Mr. Yu Changyi Yinma town told reporters, “In early 2010, the finished yarn (a piece of textile) price only 15,000 Yuan/ton, while come to October, the maximum rose to 35,000 Yuan/ton. At that time, many people can not sell out of the textile processing, which were afraid to sell today, tomorrow is selling price deficient.”
2. More than half textile mills have been suspended
Mr. Yu told reporters, although rising prices are only a few months time, and the crazy prices of textiles let some enterprises have tasted the sweetness, so some of the textile business leaders began to purchase a large number of new textile equipment, and increased production strength. However, some were not engaged in this industry also began to borrow money to buy the textile equipment to join the armies of the textile industry.
“Because the textile price rose sharply, now the number of textile mills increased about three times compared to the beginning of 2010. In some towns, there is almost universal textile boom.” Mr. Yu said.
However, the crazy price increases did not last long, on October 11th 2010 this day; suddenly there is a significant turning point. “I’ll remember this day for ever, October 10th 2010 this day; I sell out a part of the finished yarn as 35,000 Yuan/ton, and the next day, suddenly all the middlemen all don't.”

Since then, the textile price began to down all the way, although there was a short wave period, however, the overall downward trend has not changed. To December of this year, “the finished yarn prices fell by 13,000 Yuan a ton.”

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文章关键词: textile mills  difficult to survive 


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