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Greenpeace to speak at Made-By event

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-12-19 07:38:28  来源:ecotextile 收藏
AMSTERDAM - A representative from International pressure group Greenpeace will be amongst the list of speakers at next month’s MADE-BY Symposium on Sustainable Wet Processing.

MADE-BY will hold the event on sustainable options in wet processing on 24 January, 2012 in Amsterdam, offering attendees the opportunity to connect with experts in the field and gain a greater understanding of how to implement improvements in their wet processing supply chains.

A range of industry specialists from company’s such as DyStar (on the topic of Synthetic Dyeing and Finishing), Clariant (Denim Dyeing, Sustainable Solutions), Tanatex (Cotton Dyeing and Finishing, a cradle to cradle approach), Genencor (topic TBC) and Novozymes (Denim Finishing, Sustainable Solutions) will speak on the issues and sustainable solutions surrounding the wet processing of textiles with Greenpeace discussing the now highly publicised ‘Detox Roadmap Towards Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals’.

The morning seminars will focus on the issues and impact of wet processing in general and will also discuss the need to take a strategic approach to implementing improvements. The afternoon sessions will then examine sustainable solutions for cotton, synthetics and denim dyeing & finishing. Approaches considered will include Cradle to Cradle and waterless technology.

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文章关键词: Greenpeace  MADE-BY Symposium 


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