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Weekly Report: Cotton Yarn (Dec.12th- Dec.16th)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-12-19 12:38:53  来源:168tex.com 收藏
The cotton spot market price is more stable this week; the textile mill is dominated by a small amount, as used with the main purchase. By the China cotton price index on Friday level 328 for 19067 Yuan/ton, compared with beginning of the week was up 15 Yuan. From domestic specific cotton quoted price to view, the current domestic purchasing prices of cotton keeps steady, the enthusiasm of farmers sell is higher, high-grade cotton resources is further reduced, and the ginning factories purchases declined. Now the above grade 4 that the purchasing price of seed cotton is 3.40-3.50 Yuan / kg (lint 36%, moisture 12%). In the term of ginned cotton, the mainstream price of grade 3 is 21,000 Yuan / ton in the domestic, and the factory inspection offer 20,700 Yuan/ton or so; while the small package of good level 4 is maintained at 18,500-18,600 Yuan / ton. Now due to economic weakness in Europe and the United States to curb global consumption, and still shift pressure at the end of the year is approaching, the textile enterprise funds more tight, so cotton is still lack the support of powerful rise, and the stability will be the mainstream in the short term.
Yarn market is also in a stable situation; yarn factory inventory down dramatically go through the first half of the goods, all cotton market remained stable in China-Shengze, and the quotation has no change in a week. Now the general comb yarn of 32s and 40s is still maintained at 25,800 Yuan / ton and 26,800 Yuan / ton. This week the pure polyester yarn priceis still slightly upward at China-Qianqing, clinch a deal the center of gravity steady, and the mainstream price of 32S rose to 15,300-15,500 Yuan / ton. Near the Spring Festival, the downstream rayon cotton yarn prices were lower and the performance of lukewarm take the goods. Now woven 30S quoted at 20,000 Yuan and knitting clinch a deal in negotiations 20,000 Yuan/ton. Now the market more confused, and individual panic mentality blessing see empty, which the yarn market is dominated by stable in the short term.
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