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"Made in Madagascar" textile products sold in China

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-12-20 15:13:44  来源:Xinhua 收藏

ANTANANARIVO, Dec. 19 (Xinhua) -- Good quality textile products marked "Made in Madagascar" are currently sold in China, the producer of the Indian Ocean island country has said.

The entry into the Chinese market was affirmed at the weekend by the director of the company Cottonline, Salim Ismael, at its offices in Antsirabe, 170 km south of the capital Antananarivo.

The textiles including shirts and trousers are made of cotton produced by the company itself.

The cloths are distributed by big international brands like Zara, Decathlon, Marks & Spencer and Woolworth. They meet all the standards required by the Chinese market, Ismael declared.

"It's this year that the company started exporting its products to China and the volume is still low, but we are very optimistic due to increased orders because the products are very much appreciated by the Chinese consumers," the director said.

Cottonline is an EPZ company that is a subsidiary of the Cotona company which produces cotton wool for the local market. Part of Cotona's products are utilized by Cottonline as its raw materials.

Since 2000, Cottonline has been exporting its quality "Made in Madagascar" cloths to the markets in Europe, South Africa and the Indian Ocean countries.

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