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Sales volume of Japanese advanced fabrics shows gradual growth trend in Chinese market

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-12-27 10:26:41  来源:ccfgroup 收藏
Currently, sales volume of Japanese advanced fabrics shows a gradual growth trend in Chinese market. After the yen appreciation, Japanese fabric products priced more than 2000 yen per meter greet a more surprising sales peak in China, this growth is expected to continue in spring and summer next year.

According to Crystal Cloth Company, with growing demand for Japanese-produced fabrics in China's market, Japanese companies are actively conducting preparatory program to expand sales of relevant fabrics in China’s market. Industry forecasts, Japanese advanced weavers will usher in a new spring in China.

Currently one of Japan’s hemp fabric manufacturers has specially developed fine yarn hemp fabrics priced at over 2000 yen per meter and shawls based on 140S priced at nearly 3,000 yen for Chinese market. Over the past year, the company's price has increased significantly against a large number of inquiries from Chinese companies, now the Japanese company is negotiating with five clothing companies in China.

Recently, Crystal Cloth Company has its fabric products over 2500 yen per meter greatly welcomed in Chinese market. Printed and co-woven textiles from one Japanese company have also captured huge demand in Chinese market, it plans to launch products by hand-press printing in spring and summer next year.

From two years ago, a Japanese finishing practice company explored Chinese market by using its independent research and development of colorful fabric dyeing processing technology and additional functionality. Chinese market pays much higher attention than previous time to advanced fabrics made from Japan this year, contract rate of fabrics over ¥ 4000 per meter shows unprecedented rise and it expected to exceed expectations.

According to industry sources, the main reasons for better selling of Japanese advanced fabrics in Chinese market are as follows:

Price gap between Chinese markets is larger, which fosters thriving markets of luxury and senior products; Chinese markets of luxury goods are gradually connected into a line in current time, while Chinese markets of luxury goods existed in form of isolated point in previous time, especially in the past year, these markets achieved a rapid growth rate,

At the same time, the yen's appreciation plays a catalytic role to some extent; more importantly, Chinese clothing fabric industry has a certain trust on Japanese products, and their trust shows a rising trend.
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文章关键词: Japanese advanced fabrics  Chinese market 


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