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HTE & CNTAC form strong strategic partnership

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-12-27 13:40:51  来源:CTEI 收藏
Huntsman Textile Effects (HTE) and the China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC) has joined forces as strategic partners to further efforts in providing total textile solutions that will deliver and enhance economic and environmental sustainability for the China textile industry.

For a start, Huntsman Textile Effects will be working closely with CNTAC on 2 major initiatives that will set to improve mill productivity, efficiencies and to raise the performance of China’s textile markets to world class standards.

The first initiative, due for roll out in early 2012, sees Huntsman Textile Effects providing CNCS color solutions to match 900 cotton shades to meet the national performance standards. Using Huntsman Textile Effects’ best available technologies and range of Novacron dyes, these shades which can be used for brands and mills, will offer the China textile industry both operational excellence while meeting performance and ecological requirements.

Another key initiative is the launch of the Fabrics China Swing Tag program, a co-branding hangtag program that will be based on a robust brand assurance scheme, set against the highest International standard and around a number of value adding effects for fabrics and garments such as easy care, sun protection, water and oil repellence and lasting color.

Huntsman Textile Effects and CNTAC will also be embarking on a sequence of joint activities to boost and promote these programs through conferences, technical events and media to create a new buzz in the industry.

These series of successful collaboration between Huntsman Textile Effects and CNTAC has resulted in a landmark agreement that took place in Beijing on 16 November. The event was represented by Mr. Sun Ruizhe, Vice President of CNTAC, Mr Albert G.W. Fu, Vice President of China Textile Information Centre (CTIC) and Mr Rohit Aggarwal, Vice President, Strategic Marketing and Planning, Huntsman Textile Effects.

Commenting on the significance of this agreement, Mr Sun Ruizhe, Vice Chairman of CNTAC remarked, “Besides setting a standard for the global textile markets to emulate, this move will transform the China textile industry from a follower to become a world-class leader and innovator for the global textile market. This partnership will radically change the way we operate, from focusing solely on production in the past to now looking into the entire value chain starting from the initial product to end-consumer, to the intangibles involved in product innovation and towards a more structured and orderly competitive environment for China.”

Added Mr Rohit Aggarwal, Vice President, Strategic Marketing and Planning, “HTE shares the same vision with CNTAC, in developing a world class textile hub in China and to help Chinese textile industry increase their market influence in the global textile markets through the use of better technology, innovation and the use of environmentally friendly dyes and additives that will protect the health and well-being of our consumers.”

Huntsman TE is the global leader in developing total textile solutions across all aspects of the textile chain and is committed as the global leader in developing sustainable, high performing processing and effects chemicals that have low environmental impact with significant reductions in energy and time.
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文章关键词: HTE  CNTAC 


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