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Global cotton output to outstrip usage in 2011-12

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-12-29 08:31:50  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏
Global cotton production is expected to grow 10.88 percent, while cotton consumption is anticipated to rise just 2.99 percent in cotton season 2011-12.

Global cotton output is expected to increase to 26.80 million tons in 2011-12 cotton season, up from 24.17 million tons in 2010-11 or 10.88 percent says the latest estimate from Cotlook.

Worldwide consumption on the other hand is expected to decline to 22.71 million tons in 2011-12 from 23.41 million tons in the previous season or down a marginal 2.99 percent.

Among the major cotton producing countries, Chinese, Indian, Australian and Pakistani cotton output is expected to rise, while that in US and Brazil, it is anticipated to fall.

Among major consuming countries, cotton consumption in China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Turkey is expected to climb, while in Brazil, it will stay stable and in the US, it is expected to fall.

Chinese cotton output is expected to jump from 6.0 million tons in 2010-11 to 7.15 million tons in 2011-12, a rise of 19.16 percent. Indian cotton production is anticipated to move from 5.52 million tons to 5.95 million tons in the current season or 7.78 percent.

US cotton output is expected to fall to 3.44 million tons in 2011-12 from 3.94 million tons or down 12.69 percent. In Pakistan it is anticipated to jump from 1.76 million tons in 2010-11 to 2.14 million tons in 2011-12, a growth of a massive 21.59 percent.

Brazilian cotton production is also expected to decrease to 1.93 million tons in 2011-12 from 1.96 million bales, a decline of just 1.53 percent. Australian output is also anticipated to leap from 898,000 tons in 2010-11 to 1.14 million tons in 2011-12, up a stupendous 26.98 percent.

In consumption, China tops the chart with usage of 9.5 million tons in 2011-12 from 8.90 million tons in the previous season, up 6.74 percent. In the Indian sub-continent, which includes India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, cotton use will grow marginally to 7.25 million tons from 7.21 million tons or just 0.55 percent.

In Turkey, cotton consumption is expected to rise by 4.54 percent to 1.15 million tons in the current season from 1.10 million tons in 2010-11. In Brazil, cotton use is expected to stay stable at 850,000 tons in 2011-12, the same as in 2010-11.

Cotton use in another major consuming country – US is anticipated to drop to 784,000 tons in 2011-12 from 849,000 tons in the previous season, a fall of 7.65 percent.
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