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Messe frankfurt partners with milano unica for Intertextile Beijing

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-01-06 10:17:31  来源:CTEI 收藏
Italian textile exhibitions Milano Unica is launching a pavilion at the next edition of Chinese apparel products event Intertextile Beijing.
The partnership means Milano Unica, organiser of the self-titled exhibition, will work alongside Messe Frankfurt on joint projects for the show.

As a starting project, Milano Unica will launch a Milano Unica pavilion in the premium area Salon Europe at Intertextile Beijing in March 2012. The pavilion will present exclusively Italian manufacturers and brands for apparel fabrics and accessories.

Milano Unica is held twice in Milan for spring/summer and autumn/winter collections for womenswear and menswear. The next edition takes place in Milan from 7 to 9 February 2012.

“With our enterprise of taking Milano Unica to China, we affirm our intention is not only the exhibition of our precious fabrics and accessories, but above all the transfer of a unique image, style, culture and elegance that has characterised Milano Unica since the first edition,” says Milano Unica president Mr Silvio Albini.

Intertextile Beijing takes place from 28 to 30 March 2012 and is co-organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK), the Sub-council of Textile Industry, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the China Textile Information Centre.
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