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Weekly Report: Cotton Yarn (Jan.2nd- Jan.6th)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-01-09 12:34:54  来源:168tex.com 收藏
The trend of cotton spot market rose slightly this week, which most areas were still diligent to collection. The purchasing price of seed cotton had a slight rising trend, and the trading enthusiasm of cotton farmers began to increase, but the sales of spot goods were still cold. The mainstream companies still maintain the product rhythm before the small-long holiday that the fast acquisition, fast processing and fast trading and store, so that the trading/store profits were stability; however, if the processing of small factory clinch a deal according to market price, and it will lose money. So most of the 200 type enterprise still couldn’t easily entering the market, which holding the careful wait-and-see state. Just a few days after the New Year's Day, the level 527 that the cotton price had been rising from 16,559 Yuan/ton to 16,586 Yuan/ton, but the sales of spot goods did not better. Now ginned cotton of 4 grade quotes 17,000-18,000 Yuan/ton, Level 3 quotes about 19,300 Yuan/ton, Xinjiang market sale price of ginned cotton has less than 19,800 Yuan/ton of temporary collection price, under the pressure of the loan payments, the trading/store is the best option for the enterprise. In the term of spun rayon yarn, by the influence of the global economic downturn this week, orders fell, clinch a deal has not been better. Now 20S quotes at 19,000 Yuan/ton, 30S is 19,900 Yuan/ton. The trading quantity of spun rayon yarn is very small, the price keeps stable, the sales volume of 100% cotton yarn is OK, and the price trend is more stable.
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