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Jeanologia to unveil new denim technology

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-01-10 08:19:44  来源:ecotextile 收藏
NEW YORK - Jeanologia, the Spanish research and development firm, will be exhibiting its latest techniques for environmentally wet and dry denim garment processing at two different shows in the USA in January.

The company will present its latest developments, including the Eco-Clock tool and new EIM software, which both aim to control consumption levels and the environmental impact of the jean finishing process, at the Kingpins show from 10 to 11 January in Los Angeles and then on 17 and 19 January at the Contiuum show in New York.

Eco-Clock is as tool which allows users to obtain live information about the energy, water and chemicals consumption used during the jeans finishing process, and then compares the results with those that would be obtained if the same processes were carried out with sustainable technologies.

According to Enrique Silla, president of Jeanologia, Eco-Clock is aimed at making the industry and consumers more aware of the importance of improving the production processes and turning them into more sustainable ones. “The way and the technologies used to manufacture a jean are part of the product itself, which is how the market understands it, and in the future there will be no room for those who do not use efficient, ethical and sustainable production techniques,” Silla said.

Also on show will be the Easy Mark software for the latest generation GFK 3e Laser technology, which reproduces authentic worn patterns on jeans, reducing production time and assuring reproducibility while also reducing energy consumption. The new software is said to simplify the design technology for the GFK lasers and help integrate production and design by using a “click and drag” system. The Easy Mark software also allows the use of further design elements such as ‘whiskers’, ‘spots’, ‘breaks’ and ‘chevrons’ which are all available from the Jeanologia design database.

Jeanologia will also unveil its EIM (Environmental Impact Measuring) software which has been specifically designed to help the garment finishing industry, such as laundries, measure the environmental impact of various processes such as water, energy and chemical consumption.

In terms of collections, Jeanologia says it is currently working on ‘Saving Water’ a line that saves water and chemicals during the washing process, and ‘Textures’, a collection of laser designs that shifts away from the more traditional jean look and instead emphasizes a range of different design structures, natural patterns and even drawings from children.

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