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Lenzing, smartfiber Expand Cooperation

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-01-16 09:40:09  来源:textileworld 收藏
Austria-based man-made cellulosic fibers manufacturer Lenzing AG and Germany-based smartfiber AG, developer and marketer of high-tech lyocell specialty fibers including smartcel™ and SeaCell®, have announced an expansion of a cooperation begun several years ago for the production of new lyocell specialty fiber variants — including Lenzing's granting of a license to smartfiber in 2007 to begin pilot production of such new variants — as well as the development of new fabrics and other projects. 

Going forward, Lenzing will be the exclusive manufacturer of smartcel — a specialty fiber featuring various performance additives to provide antibacterial, hygienic, regenerative, temperature-regulating, conductive and/or other properties — and SeaCell — a fiber containing active substances derived from seaweed to provide wellness, skin-nurturing and anti-free-radical properties. The pilot plant now located at smartfiber's Rudolstadt, Germany, headquarters will be moved to Lenzing's Upper Austria location in order to speed up commercialization efforts and enable a significantly improved production cost structure. smartfiber will continue to handle sales and marketing for the two fibers, which have applications in home textiles, fashion and medical textiles.
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