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Total output value of national textile industry to be more than 5 trillion Yuan

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-01-29 12:27:50  来源:ccfgroup 收藏
Industry experts expressed at a recently held seminar, it has now entered into 2012, final annual data have not come out, however, the industry has agreed that total output value of national textile industry (above designed size) will be more than 5 trillion Yuan, cotton yarn production will exceed 28 million tons. There may be some discrepancies between statistical data and actual situation, chemical fiber production will exceed 33 million tons, exports of the entire textile industry will certainly be over US $ 250 billion. But in fact, quantity shows a zero growth; the 20 percent growth mainly comes from price increase.

Cotton yarn increased 11 percent, chemical fiber increased nearly 15 percent, and exports grew 20 percent. However, entrepreneurs generally feel not good for 2011. First, it is because the textile industry experienced ups and downs in 2011, entrepreneurs felt very well in the first half, cotton spinning industry started to be unhappy from May, while other industries, such as knitting and back-end industries, felt unhappy after September, everybody felt bad by the end of the year.

Judging from the situation of Canton Fair, textile industry indeed received orders for 2012. Experts point out that 2012 exports will be significantly lower in early time but higher in late time. The industry believes the first quarter will not be good.

Many cotton spinning enterprises and knitting enterprises, including some small businesses, began to enjoy holidays from the New Year, many enterprises may provide their workers a holiday period over a month, reflecting these enterprises do not look good for the first quarter, as they received less orders for the first quarter. But the industry believes that export situation is likely to pick up in the second and the third quarters.
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文章关键词: output value  textile industry 


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